Life and Times of Moi in Thailand
Just meaning to post something hasn't helped me to actually post anything since my last post..... so here we are again, with another promise to myself to keep blogging on my most favourite subject - food. Some photos of all my creations ....that I had meant to post about at the time of their creation are here are there in this post.
So after a hectic final year of university, I have now graduated with a degree in International Spa Management Bsc (Hons) - my second passion (reserved for work as I know that I would never turn food into work for myself)so work wise its spa spa spa spa spa (maybe I'll do a post on the world of Spa...and to all the people in the world,spa is not just a pampering treatment or something found in a bottle!!!). Anyhow, I am eternally grateful for having the joy of food and cooking to keep me company during those long days of research, essay and dissertation writing.
So what have I managed to cook up whilst I've been busy at Uni and everything inbetween?? Much too much I can tell you that. I've been through so many recipes and concocted many dishes of my own creation, had foodie parties and cooked and baked for my house and flat mates as well as my family (parents), family friends and many many birthdays.
Food and accommodation are included in my position which is great as there are no bills to pay! The location of the company ...and our spa is a little remote so our staff accommodation is quite nice to compensate for lack of....anything nearby. Fairly large room with large TV, sofa, coffee table, huge huge bed, desk and quite a large en-suite. so all happy there ...the glitch.... NO KITCHEN!!!!!!! How does a foodie live without a kitchen!!!! At first it seemed okay. The staff canteen is pretty good most of the time, serving traditional Thai fare with the odd pasta here and there. But after a two weeks, the craving for cooking became too much. I went out and bought a fridge with a co-worker. And there it is, resting proudly on our landing, guarding all our chocolates, dairy products and anything else that requires refrigeration from the southern Thai heat..... and ants. The following week I proceeded to buy mini oven with hot plates on top. It now sits all sparkly on my coffee table against the wall in my room. Have cooked up a few things in the oven which I'm still getting used to as it's not like our normal home oven (I soooo miss my Neff oven!!!) ..cheese on toast, chocolate brownies and a almond & honey loaf cake. Things I've learnt so far? only use the bottom rack to bake ...and possibly roast on, as anything placed on the top two shelves starts to brown and burn in the first 10 minutes.
So now I'm cooking around once a week as my week is pretty long and ingredients are quite expensive here (all the European things at least). Will slowly amass my new culinary collection over the next few months!!! Asides from eating at the staff canteen and the odd bit of baking, there are two local family run restaurants....well roadside food stop where each table is situated in a little wooden hut of its own. According to my Thai co-workers, they're not the best, but since we're pretty much in the jungle and the only town is 45minutes away by car; they're the best for me. Have already eaten at them 3-4 times and am impressed. Not as good as what I had in Chiang Mai when I was there 3 years ago, but still deliciously spicy and tangy and....Thai.