Life and Times of Moi in Thailand
Just meaning to post something hasn't helped me to actually post anything since my last post..... so here we are again, with another promise to myself to keep blogging on my most favourite subject - food. Some photos of all my creations ....that I had meant to post about at the time of their creation are here are there in this post. So after a hectic final year of university, I have now graduated with a degree in International Spa Management Bsc (Hons) - my second passion (reserved for work as I know that I would never turn food into work for myself)so work wise its spa spa spa spa spa (maybe I'll do a post on the world of Spa...and to all the people in the world,spa is not just a pampering treatment or something found in a bottle!!!). Anyhow, I am eternally grateful for having the joy of food and cooking to keep me company during those long days of research, essay and dissertation writing. So what have I managed to cook up whilst I've been busy at Uni and everything inbetw...